our passion first of all, our creativity at the service of nature

Hortus Contemporaneo comes from a project that has been defined and perfected over time.
Hortus is mainly a space where you can enjoy the pleasure of nature and the incredible emotion it gives us. Conceived as a place to spend time relaxing, sipping a cup of tea or savoring a good coffee, looking out over the crops, going through the greenhouses to admire the beauty of perfect colors and geometries that the rhythms of everyday life rarely grant us.
Every space within Hortus is designed to evoke an emotion in those who pass through it: every object in the exhibition space is chosen with care and patience so that it can return not only an aesthetic value, but an emotion in the viewer.
Each plant is cultivated and grown, with love, to give its magic in every month of the year. We do not cultivate thousands of stems of a single flower, we do not have greenhouses and endless fields, but we offer different varieties with which to create installations for events or weddings that are truly unique, to design gardens or terraces that have a special style, the Hortus style.
We revisit the most classic styles by mixing shapes and colors, trying to create atmospheres in open spaces, such as a garden or a vegetable garden, or in rooms set up, like a room or a home studio. We always start from the assumption that every Hortus composition or project must be exactly like a flower, exclusively unique.